What does the love number 530 mean?

The homophone is "I miss you". For example, Fan Xiaoxuan's

"Digital Love"

: "3155530, it's all about me missing you." Therefore, 530 has become a way for many lovers to express "I miss you", and some people choose May 30th as the date to register their marriage every year.

What does 530 mean as a love number?

530 is a natural integer between 529 and 531. It is also an even number and can be divisible by 2.

530 has become a number expressing love in Internet language.

Internet language refers to a language that is generated or used in network communication on the Internet. It usually expresses special meanings in specific network media communications.

Internet language includes various combinations of Chinese and English letters, punctuation, symbols, pinyin, icons, pictures, and text.

What does 530 mean?

530 and 531 both mean "I miss you" on the Internet , is a concise and implicit number that expresses thoughts, longings, and even feelings and confessions.

Usually in Internet slang, 530 or 531 is used directly to express the meaning of missing you. According to the plot settings of 520 and 521, 530 is mainly a holiday set for women, while 531 is mainly a holiday set for men.

Extended information:

Number homophony is a communication method that arises from online chatting and uses numbers instead of words. Number interpretation:

0 - represents perfection, perfection, and endlessness;

1 - represents the only, you, starting point;

2 - represents love, The world of two people;

3 - represents missing, life, life;

4 - represents yes, all the time;

5 - represents me, None means no, and it can also be understood as not distinguishing between you and me;

6-represents smoothness and strolling;

7-represents invitation, kiss, arousal, and anger;


8——represents hair, bye, and no;

9——represents long-term, long-lasting, and seeking.

What does 530 mean?

What does "I miss you" mean?

3 big taboos about chasing girls, each one is an obstacle for you to chase her